Ani’s Advent 2019! Friends…. with Joy Lennick

Dear Santa,

I had a thought. Everybody knows you. Even in countries where you have a different name or they think you look different from how I see you. But… apart from Rudolph and Co., do you have any friends?

I mean, when do you get time to make friends?

If you only get time to play out once a year, that must make it a bit difficult…

I have lots of friends… with two legs and four. Some I’ve known all my life, some have come in and been there for a while… others are ust those you meet and know you would be friends if there was time together. But they all stay in your heart.

I hope you have friends… to laugh with and cry with, and who gather round when you need someone.

I have lots of friends I have never met too… like Joy, who took up her pen when I asked for help… and all the others who are writing to you to fill my Advent Calendar this year and save me from wearing antlers!

I sort of like Joy’s idea 😉

Much love,

Ani xxx

A Lament

Joy Lennick

Dear Ani,
I read of your current plight –
it quite upset my night…
to know that “Mummy dearest” –
your very, very nearest –
is planning ridicule:
your dignity to rule.

Come Christmas she is planning
your handsomeness to damning…
oh, I wish that you could knit
and make HER look a twit!

Joy xx

About Joy Lennick

Having worn several hats in my life: wife, mum, secretary, shop-keeper, hotelier; my favourite is the multi-coloured author’s creation. I am an eclectic writer: diary, articles, poetry, short stories and five books. Two books were factual, the third as biographer: HURRICANE HALSEY (a true sea adventure), fourth my Memoir MY GENTLE WAR and my current faction novel is THE CATALYST. Plenty more simmering…
Supposedly ‘Retired,’ I now live in Spain with my husband and have three great sons.

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Books by Joy Lennick – these and other books available via Amazon

Where Angels & Devils Tread

with Jean Wilson

The joint ages of friends Joy Lennick and Jean Wilson may add up to one hundred and seventy one years, but there’s nothing “old lace” about these two women writers; while the “arsenic” connection is questionable… Both adept at delving into the messy, murky world of murder, it is enlightening, and sometimes, a relief… to discover their added light, humorous touch. This makes for a diverse selection of highly entertaining short stories to tickle the fancy of readers of a variety of genres. Jean Wilson worked as a Queen’s Nurse in the 1950s, and soon earned the affectionate nickname ‘The Angel of Aldgate’ for her cheerful, hard work among the sick of the East End of London; and Joy Lennick wore a few hats before becoming an author in 1984; adding many writing projects to her long list, including five books.

The Catalyst

When a terrorist blows up an Inner Circle line train between Liverpool Street and Aldgate at around 8.50 am on 7th July 2005, it leaves seven people dead and many others injured, some badly. In the horrific explosion one of those injured is journalist Ian Grosvenor. Also trapped and wounded is a young mother and artist, Serena Mason. Among the ‘walking wounded’, Ian becomes a reluctant hero by helping other passengers and carries Serena from the train, before collapsing.

Ian and Serena slowly recover from the worst of their injuries, both physical and mental, but are haunted by the memory of each other and what they suffered on that dreadful day. The desire to trace and discover how each fared grows stronger with time, until it becomes almost an obsession.

In all, three trains and a bus were blown up, killing and injuring young and old alike. It was ‘an act of indiscriminate terror’ affecting Britons and non-Britons, Christians, Muslims, and those of other or no religion.

This story covers more than the young couple’s aftermath traumas and recovery; it reveals a dark family secret, and highlights the importance of the love and support of families and friends in times of need. It also illuminates the ever present ‘ifs’, ‘buts’ and ‘coincidences’ which weave in and out of all our lives, and the wonderful power of humour.

Will Ian and Serena ever find each other? And if they do, will they find happiness?

My Gentle War

My Gentle War is the story of a young girl and her family. Ripped away from the home she loved, from her friends, and familiar surroundings, she spends her formative years in the comparative safety of the Welsh Valleys. With the World at War, and her father sent to the battlefields of Europe, her war is fought holding back tears whilst waiting for news of her father, never knowing whether she will see him again. This is the story of a young girl learning to live a new life, holding her family together in unfamiliar surroundings, all the while dreaming of the father that was forced to leave her. My Gentle War is Joy’s story.

The Moon Is Wearing A Tutu

with Eric Lennick

A little book, full of jokes, Limericks, poems, short stories and one-liners, from husband and wife team, Joy and Eric Lennick. Both authors in their own “write”, they have collaborated to bring you this fun read.

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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41 Responses to Ani’s Advent 2019! Friends…. with Joy Lennick

  1. Ritu says:

    There you go, Ani! Another friend on your side!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Darlene says:

    You are so right, Ani, you can never have too many friends. I love making new friends. Bow wow, Dot the dog.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. joylennick says:

    Wow, Sue and Ani, How very generous of you. Thank you so much. We used to have an Irish Red Setter called Rocky and he would have loved you, Ani!! Have a very special Christmas and New Year. Lots of love Joy xxx


  4. Another lovely post and poem. Those antlers are almost back in the box Ani!


  5. Lovely Ani.. you have someone firmly on your side…and no better woman than Joy…xxx


  6. Daniel Kemp says:

    Another lovely post that’s a joy to read.


  7. willowdot21 says:

    Oh! Ani isn’t joys poem just great, I love it too.💜 Hugs from Ruby 💜

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: Ani’s Advent 2019! Friends…. with Joy Lennick | willowdot21

  9. dgkaye says:

    Such a fun post. And always joy when Joy pays a visit. Lol, loved the last bit about knitting Sue a sweater, LOL 🙂 ❤


  10. CarolCooks2 says:

    Love it… Merry Christmas with lots of turkey and bones… And Christmas pudding with cheese…


  11. Widdershins says:

    The odds of you having to wear those silly things are getting slimmer and slimmer! 😀


  12. A lovely contribution by Joy, Ani. I am so glad she understands your feelings so well.


  13. Oh my. Knitted antlers for Sue? I’m looking forward to the post with that photo. Ha ha. Merry Christmas.


  14. noelleg44 says:

    Joy is clearly on your side, Ani. You can put those reindeer horns away!


  15. Deborah Jay says:

    Oh boy, I LOVE the expressions in those photos!


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