And so it begins

In a few hours time, after a little sleep, I head north in company of my dear friend Benjamin for Derbyshire and a new beginning.

It is odd to reflect how these moments catch us almost unawares  sometimes.

Today I greeted a man at the airport who should be almost a stranger, yet with the familiarity of old friends. An evening spent talking of cabbages and kings merely served to reinforce a deepening friendship, born half a world away, yet very real and timeless.

Tonight has also held the voices and words of other friends and their loving touch has been beautiful.

In a moment I head for a few hours sleep before we depart for Derbyshire and the launch of the Silent Eye.

My heartfelt thanks got out for all the support and good wishes that have come our way as we prepare for ‘lift off.’

For now I am simply sleepy and seek my bed. Tomorrow, though it is today, begins something new, vibrant and exciting. Tomorrow brings a future into being.

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
This entry was posted in Life, Love and Laughter, Silent Eye Launch event, Spirituality, The Silent Eye, Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink.

26 Responses to And so it begins

  1. ioniamartin says:

    So excited for you! I can’t wait to hear about your new adventures!


  2. Hope you slept well. Excited for you. 🙂


  3. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words says:

    I wish you the best of what is yet to Be
    and please keep us posted!
    take Care…
    You Matter…


  4. Bon chance! Sending good vibes.


  5. neocup says:

    Wishing you the best in your “new endeavors”…life is full of them when you are open to recieving them! Safe and profitable journey! Kudos!


  6. alesiablogs says:

    So excited for you! I just arrived home so hope to get back to my regular blogging! Be inspired!


  7. phaerygurl says:

    Sleep well, safe journey…be blessed. Looking forward to hearing about this next adventure.


  8. words4jp says:

    May a wonderful weekend be had by all! Have a safe trip;)


  9. FreeRangeCow says:

    Oh! Good luck on your new beginnings. We are excited for you!


  10. stanze says:

    Wishing you all the best. 🙂


  11. Robyn Lee says:

    Sending Love and Light to you Sue ~ and best wishes for this special “new beginning” Hugs to you and dearest Ben too! ~ x RL


  12. iamforchange says: So many have shared so much with me and I wish to share as well please accept my nominations and if nothing else know I am grateful for your sharing on your pages with us all and the time you share with me on mine. 🙂 Joe


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