Replay – …oh, sweet Blogging, why do I LUV thee… let me count the ways… Guest post from Seumas Gallacher

This year I have been privileged to have a number of writers as my guests and as we approach Christmas, I thought it would be good to share their posts again. In January I had the pleasure of handing over the blog to the inimitable and irrepressible Seumas Gallacher…

profile…there are many things I do repeatedly every day, things that I have to do to stay alive… breathing, eating, drinking, and sleeping being primary amongst them… with these I have little or no choice in the matter… but with the other stuff I now do regularly, this ol’ Jurassic does have some choice in pursuing… and generally speaking, when yeez elect to continue certain practices it’s because yeez enjoy them… but with Blogging, I’ll ‘fess up, it didn’t start out that way… as a nouveau self-publishing Author several years ago, many fellow scribblers recommended… nay, urged the setting up of a Writer’s Blog… it’s mandatory, they said… every writer should have one, they said… it’ll help yeez build yer platform, they said… and I have to concede they were prob’ly right on all these scores… what they didn’t tell me, unsuspecting fool that I am, was that I’d grow to like it… that the ‘p’raps-once-a-week-post’ intended to keep my Jack Calder crime thriller masterpieces in the reading public’s eye would creep on to two or three per week… and eventually take such a hold, that a daily bulletin became the norm… then, behold and lo, the discovery that my blog platform, WordPress, enabled connecting the blogs to all the SOSYAL NETWURKS I’d been developing simultaneously… all of a sudden, the ‘plaything’ of blogging transformed into a superb channel to broaden exponentially the reach to the markets I wanted to be a part of… readers, publishers, editors, and significantly, other quill-scrapers… and my goodness, how that has brought its benefits… the last tally-up of my assorted direct virtual relationships exceeds 18,000… Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google+, Pocket, Tumblr… then, comes the best bit, Mabel… these 18,000+ then generate ReTweets, sharings on Facebook, and the other channels… the add-on multiplier effect is enormous… so every wee blog post has a potential readership in the hundreds of thousands, and even into millions… consider next the pleasure of exchanging Guest Blog Posts, such as this one with my great pal Sue Vincent… additional means for reaching new contacts… like-minded empathists… fellow-travellers trudging the sum’times lonely backroads that constitute a writer’s lot… and it dawns on yeez that the universal writing family is a wunnerful ginormous diasporic posse to belong to… without asking, yeez get support… yeez certainly get a lot of laughs… and yeez get access to the style of others who dabble in these dark arts of ours… an affinity develops, quite extraordinarily different to that of so-called ‘real-life’ relationships… the kindness and generosity of spirit that has come my way in droves is humbling… and I see it happen every day on the Web… long may it last… see yeez later … LUV YEEZ!

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Seumas Gallacher was born in Clydeside, Govan in Glasgow and spent his formative teens in the idyllic Scottish Hebridean island of Mull. His career as a banker took him from Scotland to London for ten years and thence on a further twenty-five year global odyssey through Hong Kong, Singapore and the Philippines in Asia. Along the way he metamorphosed into a corporate troubleshooter and problem solver. He came to the United Arab Emirates for a month in 2004 and has remained in Abu Dhabi ever since.

A late discoverer of the joys of writing, his first two novels, The Violin Man’s Legacy and Vengeance Wears Black have sold more than 70,000 copies. The third in the Jack Calder series, Savage Payback was launched in late 2013.

cover2Seumas has become a strong proponent of the use of the social networking channels to reach and engage with a global readership market in the new age of self-publishing and eBooks. Seumas is a sought-after speaker and lecturer on how to develop productive online relationships. He was voted Blogger of the Year 2013.

Seumas’ thriller THE VIOLIN MAN’S LEGACY and VENGEANCE WEARS BLACK  are available on Amazon until January 15th. They are shortly to be relaunched with Crooked Cat Publishing.

His excellent guide to self publishing is available on Amazon UK,  and Amazon US.

You can follow Seumas’ blog at as well as on  Facebook, and you can find him on Twitter @seumasgallacher.

About Sue Vincent

Sue Vincent was a Yorkshire born writer, esoteric teacher and a Director of The Silent Eye. She was immersed in the Mysteries all her life. Sue maintained a popular blog and is co-author of The Mystical Hexagram with Dr G.M.Vasey. Sue lived in Buckinghamshire, having been stranded there due to an accident with a blindfold, a pin and a map. She had a lasting love-affair with the landscape of Albion, the hidden country of the heart. Sue  passed into spirit at the end of March 2021.
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35 Responses to Replay – …oh, sweet Blogging, why do I LUV thee… let me count the ways… Guest post from Seumas Gallacher

  1. Ali Isaac says:

    Seumas, you are the perfect example of a successful Indie author! Luv yeez!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. lynnstime says:

    I was half-a-sleep when I started reading this. Woke me up!!! A good start to the day! Ta Sue and Seumas!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: …oh, sweet Blogging, why do I LUV thee… let me count the ways… Guest post from Seumas Gallacher | maldagoutambagchi

  4. ,,,thanks for having me aboard, m”Lady, Sue :):)


  5. Reblogged this on Seumas Gallacher and commented:
    …my pal, Author, Poet, Photographeress Supreme carries a piece from me today on her smashing blog… she should be FOLLOWED Lads and Lassies of Blog Land:):)

    Liked by 1 person

  6. ksbeth says:

    love both of you guys, mischief filled and uber talented divils, the both of you!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Nice to see you here, my blogging friend. And yes, you’re a fabulous example of the joys and successes of ‘making friends’ through the blogging world.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. noelleg44 says:

    Thanks, Sue, for hosting Seumas, one of my favorite bloggers, and Seumas for a great post. It’s very reassuring to see that someone else’s odyssey is similar to yours!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Blogging. Worse than potato chips. Is there a 12-step program to cure the addiction?

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thanks to the two of you, both Sue and Seumas, for providing this helpful information. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. dixonl2014 says:

    Seumas, I also self-published three books, actually four. And now I find myself blogging every other day only because time permits for now. Everyday blogging is nothing short of masterful. But now, I am wondering when I will have time to write another book. I guess when my characters start screaming at me, I pull back on the blogs. It is a real juggling act. Thanks for your insight and Sue thanks for featuring him. Lynn

    Liked by 2 people

  12. michnavs says:

    seumas……Thanks lyn…..will go check out more of him….


  13. “quill scrapers”. Love this post. Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

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